School 7

School 7

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Section 5-2 Assignments

5-2 Students,
   Here are the 2 assignments in combination with the regular physical education homework #2.  These two assignments are due on your next gym/health day.

1) Bones assignment
a. Write the scientific name of the bone you decided to research.
b. Where is this bone located on the body?
c. How were you able to find this information?

2) Take home hockey/fitness test- Here is a copy in case you misplace yours.

Hockey/Fitness Assessment
Name________________                                         Section___________
1.       What is the bottom part of the stick called?
a.       Stick                       b. Blade                c. Shaft
2.       How does the game begin?
a.       With a face-off in the center
b.      The goalie passes it
c.       With a face-off by the goal
3.       How should a player hold his/her stick?
a.       With two hands together at the top of the stick
b.      One Hand on the blade
c.       With one hand at the top and one in the middle
4.       Which lift mostly works the triceps?
a.       Squats                  b. Shoulder press                             c. Dips
5.       How many muscles are in the triceps group?
a.       1                              b. 2                         c. 3                         d. 4
6.       Fill in the blank
For the class workout you need to complete 2 ________ of 20 __________ of the chest press.
7.       What type of sports skill does the “5 Dot Drill” help to improve?
a.       Cardiovascular fitness                    b. Agility                               c. Strength
Short Answer- Please answer these questions using at least 2-3 sentences
1.       Why is it important to look up and see the court or ice while playing a hockey game?

2.       What should a goalie do when he/she receives the puck (where should the goalie look to pass)?  What happens if the goalie decides to “freeze” the puck?

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