School 7

School 7

Monday, June 1, 2015

Last 5th Grade Hw due on Thurs. 6/11

5th Grade Students,
   Here is your last homework of the year...
Watch the video on the link below-

Answer the following questions using complete sentences.
1) What happened to Jacob's leg during the football game?  What is different about his leg now?
2)  What does it mean to have a body part amputated?
3) Would you have retired from playing sports if an injury like this happened to you?  Why or why not?
4) Has listening to Jacob's story affected or inspired you any way?  Please explain.

I look forward to reading your work,
Mr. Goldstein

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

6th Grade Assignment Questions

1) How did your performance change over the course of the year in that fitness test?
2) Why did the results change?
3) What strategy would you use to better improve your results?

Thursday, May 21, 2015

6th Grade Hw due Friday 5/29

6th Graders,
   Watch the following video...

Answer the following questions-
1) In your own words, explain what the kidneys do.  This would have to be researched.  Use as a resource.
2) In at least 3 sentences, describe how the coach at Wake Forest helped Kevin Jordan.
3) When you get your driver's license, you will have the opportunity to decide if you would donate your organs if you get into a deadly accident.  Would you be an organ donor?  Why or why not?

I look forward to reading your work,
Mr. Goldstein

Monday, April 20, 2015

Baseball Homework 5th and 6th grade Due- Thurs April 30

5th and 6th grade students,
  We will be starting the baseball unit soon.  Here is a video to familiarize yourself more with the sport.  It is very important to do the assignment in order to play the sport with us in a couple of weeks.  This assignment is due on Thursday, April 30th.


Questions- please answer in complete sentences.
1) What do the lines going down 1st and 3rd base mean?
2) How does the 1st baseman make an out when he catches the ball?
3) What happens if the hitter hits a fly ball and it is caught before it hits the ground?
4) How many balls before a walk?
5) How many strikes before a strikeout?
6)   Label this diagram with the correct names of the positions...

Ask me if you have any questions,
Mr. Goldstein

Monday, April 13, 2015


This video is for any students interested in looking at the sport of lacrosse.  There is no homework attached, but it is good to be familiar with the sport to be best play it in class.

-Mr. Goldstein

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

6th Grade Health Test Review

6th Grade Students,
   Here is the review for the upcoming health test.  Remember, it is always open notebook and you can bring in materials with you.

1)      What is the type of stomach acid produced by the gallbladder?
2)      Where does food travel through in order to get to the stomach?
3)      In which organs are nutrients the body needs taken out of the food?
4)      Write one organ of the integumentary system. _________________
5)      What is the function of the integumentary system?________________________
6)      Which body system is responsible for producing hormones?
7)      Where are hormones produced?
8)      Which of the following types of food usually costs more?
a.       Conventional                             b. Organic
9)      Which of the following types of food could contain anti-biotics, preservatives or steroids?
a.       Conventional                             b. Organic
10)   Which phrase refers to scientific advancement in a certain food or seed?
Nutrition Math Questions- 10 points each (20 points total)
1)      Popcorn
Serving size- 5 pieces
Calories= 100
How many calories are in 20 pieces of popcorn?

2)      Soda
Serving size= 8 ounces
Sugar=15 grams
How many grams of sugar are in 24 ounces of soda?

1)      When you think of all the knowledge you have about the digestive system, how do you think the eating disorder bulimia uniquely affects this system?

2)      Would you make the decision as an adult to buy organic food or stick with conventional food for your family?  Please answer using specific details we discussed in class.

Good luck in your upcoming test!
-Mr. Goldstein

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

6th Grade Health Project

6th Graders,
   Here is your last "at home" health assignment of the year.  Below is a link to an article from Kid's Health.  It will give you plenty of information about the endocrine system (glands and hormones).

Your job is to answer the following questions using complete sentences.

1) Which hormone from the article are you choosing to study?
2) Which gland produces the hormone?
3) Where is the gland located in the body?
4) What does the hormone do in the body?
5) What is one negative thing that would happen if we did not have this hormone?

Let me know if you have any questions about the project...

Good luck,
Mr. Goldstein

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

6th Grade Health Homework

6th Grade Students,
   Here is a link to a video about an Eastside Girl's Basketball Team member.  It details how she has worked hard to be successful at the high level and attain a scholarship for college basketball.  We will discuss the due date in class for each particular section.

Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1) What is Nia's #1 specialty on the court?
2) You could tell that her hard work led to high athletic and academic acheivements, what is one long term goal you have for your life?
3) List 2 things you need to do to achieve this goal and write a paragraph discussing  and explaining both.

Thank you,
Mr. Goldstein

Thursday, March 5, 2015

5th Grade Tennis HW Due 3/17

5th Grade Students,
   The following homework is a tennis video.  That is our next unit in class.  Please familiarize yourself with the sport and answer the questions below in complete sentences.  Hand in the homework on or before March 17th.

Click the link below
(This is a long video, you do not have to watch the whole thing, maybe only 15 minutes)
1) Describe the ready position the players have when they are waiting for the other player to hit it back to them.
2) How many points do you need to get in order to win just one game?
3) How many times is the ball allowed to bounce before you must hit it?
4) What is the hit called that starts each point?

Let me know if there are any questions.
- Mr. Goldstein

Monday, March 2, 2015

6th Grade Health Test Review

6th grade students,
   Here are the review questions for the health test.  If you answer them while studying, you can bring them in with you for the test!  If you review these, you will get a good grade.

1.       Which type of medication is only able to obtained through a doctor?

2.       Physical effects experienced when someone stops their drug use is an example of…

3.       Ingesting a potentially deadly amount of illegal or prescription drugs is an example of an…

4.       If someone has a prescription for medical marijuana, it is still illegal to share it with a friend.
a.        True                              b. False
5.       What is the substance in marijuana that causes a person to have an altered mental state?

6.       Which type of steroids cause people to build muscle strength and size?

7.       Asthma inhalers contain catabolic steroids.
a.        True                              b. False
8.       Anabolic steroids are often a synthetic or human form of which hormone?

9.       Name one way steroids are usually taken by users_____________________
10.    Which type of drug is cocaine?

11.   A cocaine user can experience burns and sores in and around his/her nose.

12.   Which is an example of a legal stimulant?

13.   Using which drug with others is more likely to lead to contracting HIV?

Essay- Please answer the following question in a paragraph of 4-5 sentences
The Essay is worth 22 points
Pick one drug to talk about that we discussed in class.  Please answer the following questions about the drug in complete sentences.
-Is this drug legal/illegal?
-What are the effects and/or dangers of the drugs?
-Which types of people use it?
- Why would you advise people to use it or not to use it?

Health Project Rubric

6th Grade students,
   This rubric is to help you achieve the top score on the health project rubric.

33 points- Your project is presented in a clear manner where it is very easy to find information.
26- Your project is presented in a pretty neat manner where it is somewhat easy to find information.
20- Your project is somewhat sloppy and not easy to find the information required.
15- Your project is very sloppy and I cannot find important information anywhere.

33- There is more than sufficient information and it is all correct.
25- There is enough information and details and it is almost all correct.
20- There are few details and some of the information is incorrect.
15- There is barely any useful information included and if there is it is incorrect.

33- The project shows an incredible amount of thought and creativity.
26- The project is pretty creative and shows above average effort.
20- The project did not take much thought or effort.
15- You did this project in 2 minutes while walking to school!

Let me know if you have any questions.
Mr. Goldstein

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

6th Grade Health Project- Due on day of the unit test!

6th Grade Health Project
You are going to construct a Public Service Announcement explaining the dangers of one illegal drug that we discussed in class.
A Public Service Announcement is any type of poster/billboard/commercial that tries to teach the people of the community about an important issue.
In your PSA, be sure to discuss important details of the drug including…
-How it is taken
- What does it do to the body?
-Where are people typically using this drug?
- What population is the PSA targeting?
Use your creativity and various artistic skills to succeed in this project- you can always ask for help with ideas.
Look for a rubric on the blog

This will be due on the day of your unit test.


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

5th Grade Homework Due Thursday Feb 19th

5th Grade students,
   Here is the 1st homework of the 3rd quarter.  I am including a few seperate college volleyball video links.  Find the one you want to watch and answer the following questions in complete sentences.  The assignment is due on Thursday, February 19th.

Penn State vs. Wisconsin- Women's volleyball

University of Southern California (USC) vs. University of California- Irvine- Men's

Answer the following questions
1) Which match did you watch?
2) How many points did the winning team need to score to win?
3) How many hits is each team allowed before the ball has to go over the net?
4) Each team uses the hits we have talked about in class.  Explain how one of these hits was used during the game.

Make sure you ask me if you need help with any of the questions.

Mr. Goldstein

Monday, January 12, 2015

Question about Nutrition Project

   This is an answer to a 5-1 student's question about the Nutrition  Project.  You only have to find the nutrition information for one meal out of the day.

-Mr. Goldstein

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Nutrition Test Review


       Which foods are the highest in carbohydrates?

2)      Which foods are the highest in Protein?

3)      Which foods are the highest in vitamins and minerals?

4)      Which term refers to the amount of energy in our food?

5)      How many calories are in one pound of fat?

6)      How many calories should the average person eat in one day?

7)      Which nutrient contains the most calories per gram?

8)      Eating out too often can lead to eating too many calories and weight gain.

Short Answer
1)      The calorie equation states ……….. Calories in- Calories out=
What can a person do to get the answer to the equation closer to zero and to avoid storing too many calories?  There are two appropriate answers and I am looking for both.

2)      An average person should eat around 2,000 calories per day.  Should you be eating exactly 2,000 or more or less?  Think about your daily habits and answer this question about your own body.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Nutrition Rubric

5th graders,
   This is how you will be graded on the Nutrition Project.
Nutrition Menu Assignment Rubric
1.       Presentation
25- This assignment is professionally done.
20- This assignment looks presentable, but could show more professionalism.
15- This assignment should be redone, the quality is not appropriate.

2.       Menu Accuracy
25- The menu items and calorie content is accurate.
20- These items contain some errors.
15- This information is made-up or misread.

3.       Creativity
25- The project shows an incredible amount of effort and creativity.
20- Your project shows some effort and creativity.
15- Your project shows little effort and creativity.

4.       Nutrition Questions
25- Questions are answered accurately and show full understanding of the nutrition content.
20- Most questions are answered accurately and the student shows basic understanding.

15- Some of the answers are correct, but the student shows little understanding of the content.

6th Grade HW due Wednesday 1/14

6th Graders,
   In order to have the best basketball tournament possible, we need to learn the game!  Watch at least one half of a basketball game. This can be a college or professional game.  College games are often seen on weeknights on ESPN or ESPN, professional games are often seen on weeknights on 70 or 71 on Optimum.
I can let you know specific nights when there will be a game.  You can always search for a game on Youtube at any time.

Assignment due on Wednesday 1/14.

Answer the following in complete sentences...
1) Who are the teams playing in the game you are watching?
2) What is the name of the position that dribbles the ball up the court?
3) How much is a shot worth that is made from inside the arc?
4) How many points is a foul shot worth?
5) Explain the spacing you see from one of the teams.  Is the team usually spaced out or bunched up?   If you were coaching which style would you have your team play and why?

Good luck,
Mr. Goldstein

Nutrition Assignment

5th Grade students,
   Here is the Nutrition Project that will be due on the day of your Nutrition Test.  I will tell you that exact date during your next class.

Last class we did an activity where we selected a meal from an online menu and saw how many calories it contained.  You are going to find the nutrional information of your own meal.  
1) Go to a restaurant website or go get a nutritional sheet for an actual restuarant (for example-   -- but try to be original).
2) Pick your meal from that restaurant (remember to include a drink or two and a side like fries if that is what you eat).
3) How many combined calories does your meal contain (add the up the total)?  
4) How many grams of fat does your meal contain?
5) How does your calorie total compare to the 2,000 calories an average person should eat per day?
6)  Think about your own body and what you do each day.  Should you be eating more or less than 2,000 calories?  Explain your answer.

We will go over this activity in detail in class.

Ask me any questions you might have while doing this project,
Mr. Goldstein