School 7

School 7

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

5th Grade Nutrition Test Review

   If you know the answers to these questions you will do a great job on the test!!!

1. Which foods are high in carbohydrates?
2. Which foods are high in protein?
3. Which foods are highest in vitamins and minerals?
4. What word refers to the amount of calories in our food?
5. How many calories are in one pound of fat?
6. Which nutrient has the most calories per gram?
7.  How many calories should an average person eat in a day?
8. You need to know the calorie equation and how to mantain your body weight.
9. Why should athletes eat more calories than the average person?

Good luck!
Aaron Goldstein

Friday, January 24, 2014

6th Grade Homework- Due Wednesday Feb. 12th

6th Grade Students,
    Here is your next assignment.  It is about Mirza Teletovic, an international player currently on The Brooklyn Nets.  He has had a very interesting story, growing up in a war-torn country and struggling to find playing time in his first year in the NBA.  Please read the article by clicking this LINK (click) and answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1.  Which countries did Mirza grow up in?
2. Which continent are those countries located on?  You are going to have to research this.
3. Who is Mirza's coach?
4. Describe what you think living in a country experiencing a war would be like (please use at least 3-4 sentences).
5. What are some difficulties Mirza experienced in the NBA last season, which was his first in the NBA?

Let me know if you have any questions,
Mr. Goldstein

5-3 and 5-1 Nutrition Project

5-3 and 5-1 Students,
     Last class we did an activity where we selected a meal from an online menu and saw how many calories it contained.  You are going to find the nutrional information of your own meal. 
1) Go to a restaurant website or go get a nutritional sheet for an actual restuarant (for example-   -- but try to be original).
2) Pick your meal from that restaurant (remember to include a drink or two and a side like fries if that is what you eat).
3) How many combined calories does your meal contain (add the up the total)? 
4) How many grams of fat does your meal contain?
5) How does your calorie total compare to the 2,000 calories an average person should eat per day?
6)  Think about your own body and what you do each day.  Should you be eating more or less than 2,000 calories?  Explain your answer.

This will  be due during your next health class!  That means A day for 5-3 and B day for 5-1.  Feel free to decorate this and make it creative!  Being creative will add to your points on the project and rubric can also be found on my blog so you can see how points are earned. 

Thank you,
Mr. Goldstein

Friday, January 17, 2014

5th Grade Nutrition Project Rubric

5-1 and 5-3 Students,
   The project you will be assigned Jan. 21st and 22nd will be judged on the following rubric.

Nutrition Menu Assignment Rubric
1.       Presentation
25- This assignment is professionally done.
20- This assignment looks presentable, but could show more professionalism.
15- This assignment should be redone, the quality is not appropriate.

2.       Menu Accuracy
25- The menu items and calorie content is accurate.
20- These items contain some errors.
15- This information is made-up or misread.

3.       Creativity
25- The project shows an incredible amount of effort and creativity.
20- Your project shows some effort and creativity.
15- Your project shows little effort and creativity.

4.       Nutrition Questions
25- Questions are answered accurately and show full understanding of the nutrition content.
20- Most questions are answered accurately and the student shows basic understanding.
15- Some of the answers are correct, but the student shows little understanding of the content.