School 7

School 7

Friday, December 19, 2014

8th Grade Shark Tank Project

8th Graders,
   Here is a copy of the Shark Tank project that we went over in class.  Below are the due dates for each section.

8 Spanish- Wednesday January 14th
8 French- Friday Jan. 16th
8 Italian- Thursday Jan 22nd

8th Grade Leadership
Shark Tank Assignment

For this project you will either work by yourself or one other person.

Please answer the following questions during your presentation.
-What is your product or service?
- How did you think of the idea?  
- What problem does your product/service solve?
- What is your plan to get people to buy your good/service?
- How much would you charge?
- Would you hire workers?  How many?
- Where/how would you make the product?
-Where would you have a factory or shop?
- How would you market your product/advertise it?
- What makes your product or service better than anyone else's?

You will be judged on the following…
  1. The product or service itself.
  1. Quality of the idea
  2. Would this be a popular product or service?

2)  The presentation.
  1. Quality of the pitch.
  2. Student appearance

3)  Physical demonstration of the product or service.

***The top three groups or individuals from each class section will make the final round.

All groups or individuals that make the final round will be rewarded with a breakfast or lunch party courtesy of Mr. Vancheri.

Monday, December 1, 2014

5th Grade Health Project

5th graders,
   Here is a copy of the project that is due on the day of your health test.  All sections will have their test on a different date, so I am not specifying the date here on the blog.

Let me know if there are any questions.  This will help you review for the test and you may use it on the test along with your notes.  

Body Systems Health Project
Due on the date of your unit test!
Answer the following questions in complete sentences!  Carefully research your system; any wrong answers will be penalized!  Projects make up 20% of your quarter grade.
1)    Which body system are you choosing for this project?
a.     Muscular                        b. Skeletal                 d. Respiratory
e.   Nervous                    f. Circulatory    

2)    Why did you pick the system that you chose?  Why does it interest you so much?  What is this system responsible for?  Use at least 4-5 sentences to answer this question.

3)    What are the main parts/organs of this system (bones or lungs for example)?

4)    Pick one organ from this system and explain what it does and why.  What would happen if this organ stopped working?  Use at least 4 sentences to answer this question.

5)    How can you best take care of this organ and keep it healthy?  Use two examples and explain each to answer this question.

6)    Write a list of the sources that you used for your project (books, encyclopedias or websites for example)

Suggestion- would be a great resource to use for this project.

5th Grade Health Test Review

5th graders,
   Here is a review for the upcoming health test.  All class sections have a different date for the test.  Feel free to answer these questions and bring them into the class.

1)      What is the main organ of the muscular system?
2)      Bones are the main organ of which system?
3)      Which system’s main job is to help with movement?
4)      Which system protects the heart and lungs?
5)      What is it called when two bones come together?
6)      How does a ball and socket joint move?
7)      Name an example of a hinge joint_________________________________
8)      Which of the following is not part of the respiratory system?
9)      What is the most important thing we breathe in from the air?
10)   Where does blood pick up oxygen from?
11)   What brings oxygen around the body?
12)   What color are the arteries?
13)   Why are veins blue?

14)   Where does blood bring the oxygen?
15)   Which system is the spinal cord a part of?

Good luck!

Monday, November 24, 2014

6th Grade Hockey Assignment- due Thurs Dec. 4

6th graders,
   For the following homework you must watch a hockey game.  You can do that the following ways.
1) Watch The Rangers, Islanders or Devils on channels MSG (71 on IO) or NBC Sports (146 on IO) or 2)search an NHL game on YOUtube.  You can choose to watch just one period if you would like.

Answer the following questions in a complete sentence on a separate sheet of paper.

1) Which two teams played in the game?  Which countries and cities are the teams from?  There are 7 Canadian teams.
2) Were there any penalties in the game?  What was the penalty and how many minutes?
3) What is a "power play"?  Look it up if it doesn't tell you in the game.
 4) Did the goalie every "freeze" the puck and cause a face-off?  If so, how did he do that?
5) What kind of protection do players wear?

Good luck,
Mr. Goldstein

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

5th Grade Health Homework- due Friday 11/21

5-1 and 5-3 students,
   The following homework is due on Friday.

Research a bone...
1) What is the scientific name of the bone?
2) Where is it located (for example: lower arm or in the foot).
3) Where did you find this information?

Creativity counts toward your grade!  Draw a picture if you would like.

-Mr. Goldstein

Thursday, November 6, 2014

6-8th Grade Run for Fun results

Jackson CNRC1st10Shirley M71st10
Kelvin ANRC2nd9Ayana V72nd9
Leo M73rd8Britney L73rd8
Ismael CNRC4th7Andrea C74th 7
Runner 133NRC5th6Savannah V75th6
Zak A76th5Aaliyah GNRC6th5
Muhammed W77th4Josteen187th4
Juan Diego B188th3Melissa A78th3
Runner 151NRC9th2Jazlin C189th2
Alex B1810th1Genessy C710th1
Joshua B711thAlisonNRC11th
Mario H712thGianna M712th
Julian JNRC13thRainaijah P1813th
Jayro V1814thYanilda PNRC14th
Jonathan I715thShianna RNRC15th
Jamier NRC16thCaroline DiazNRC16th
RyanNRC17thNatasha C1817th
Angel F718thBrenda C1818th
Steven E1819thTatianah R1819th
Honesty M1820th
Angelina P1821st
Total PointsRunner 150NRC23rd
NRC39 pointsYbana QNRC24th
1810 pointsIjanahNRC25th
761 pointsNicole CNRC26th
Miheem NRC27th
Runner 148NRC28th

5th Grade Run 4 Fun results

BoysPlaceoverallGirls PlaceOverall
Jose R33Kaylee39
David U55Angelina511
Michael 713Arianna715
Angel1220Jada R1225
Ryan 1529Monserrat1530
Jose S1740Petriece1732

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Run for Fun

  Congratulations to School 7 and the 6-8th grade runners for winning the Run for Fun team trophy for the 2nd year in a row!  Also, congrats to all 5th grade runners who challenged themselves in this event.

I will do a detailed report of the race and list the top finishers on Thursday so stay tuned!

-Mr. Goldstein

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

5th Grade HW due on Wednesday Oct 29th

5th Grade students,
   This will be your last homework of the 1st quarter.  You are to watch a football game and answer the following questions.

You can watch a high school football game in person on Friday night or Saturday afternoon (ask me for details about times and locations), college football all day on TV Saturday, and professional NFL Football on Sunday afternoon, night and Monday night.  Also, search "full football game" on YouTube.

Answer these questions in complete sentences on a seperate sheet of paper.

1) The offense is the team with the ball.  The defense stops them from scoring.  Would you rather be an offensive or defensive player in football?  Why did you choose that choice?
2) If you were a coach, would you choose more running plays or passing plays? Why? Which do you think works best?
3) Which game did you watch?  Who won the game?
4) Were there any turnovers in the game?  Interceptions or fumbles?
An interception is when the defense catches the quarterbacks throw.  A fumble is when a player drops it and the other team picks it up and then has possession.

This is due on Wednesday, October 29th.

-Mr. Goldstein

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Soccer Club

Weather is looking good so soccer club is on!

-Mr. Goldstein

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Run for Fun Course

5th Grade students,
  Listed below will be the turn by turn directions for the race course so you can preview it with your family or friends to become familiar.  You are also encouraged to train on the course as well to get ready for the race.

1) Race starts at the corner of Ramsey and Dixon.
2) Head down Ramsey street
3) Make a right onto Danforth
4) Right onto Nagle by School 29
5) Right onto Murray Ave
6) Merge onto Grand St and continue up the hill
7) Right onto Barnes
8) Right onto Caldwell and finish at the playground of the school

Good luck to all the runners,
Mr. Goldstein

Cycling Results

  Here are my results from the last bike race I did last weekend...
You have to click the link and go to the Men's Cat 4 race.  I finished in 20th place.  The races are very competitive.  Time to get back to training so I can do better next week!
Click here

Mr. Goldstein

Thursday, October 9, 2014

6th Grade Hw #3 Due 10/17

6th Graders,
   This is your last assignment for the 1st marking period.  Watch a football game (high school, college or professional).  Answer the questions below to become more familiar with the sport as we start the football unit!

Remember- all questions should be answered in complete sentences and put you language on your paper (6-I, 6-F, 6-S).

1) What two teams played each other in the game you watched?
2) Was it professional, college or high school football?
3) The offense is the team with the football.  What are the two types of plays that an offense can run?
4) Based on the game you watched, what tips would you give a player on catching the football?
5) What do you think is the most important skill in football (agility, throwing, catching, tackling or blocking) and why?
6) Would you play this sport in high school?  Why or why not?
       - There are girls that do play high school football in NJ
       - If you are a girl and think girls should not play football, would you allow your child to play football when you are older?

I look forward to everyone's answers,
Mr. Goldstein

Monday, October 6, 2014

Pictures from the Race

 Here are some pictures from the first cyclocross race of the season.  6th graders read about this type of cycling race in their last homework assignment!  It was pretty dry, there was no mud in this race.

Monday, September 29, 2014

5th Grade HW #2 Due Friday October 10th

5th Grade Students,
   Please click the link to the article below...
Soccer article--- click!

Read this article about concussions (head injuries) and answer the questions below in complete sentences!  Place the homework in my homework tray by the end of business on October 10th.

1) How do soccer players usually get concussions?
2) Were you surprised to hear that soccer is the most popular sport in the world?  Why or why not?
3) How many concussions were sustained by high school soccer players in the United States in 2010?
4) Do you think some of the new rule changes would work?  Which ones and why?

Thank you,
Mr. Goldstein

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Quiz reviews for 5th and 6th Grade

   Here are the fitness quiz reviews....

6th Grade things to know
Know the difference between the 3 lifts (squat, shoulder press, chest press)
    Chest=pectoral muscles      Legs=Quadriceps and hamstrings             Shoulder= deltoids
5 Dot drill=agility
Running/cycling and swimming are all cardiovascular endurance exercises

5th Grade Things to Know
Which muscles are worked by the following exercises?  - Sit ups, pushups, dips, and the half-mile run.  If you know the answer to those you will ace the quiz!

Good luck,
Mr. Goldstein

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Questions for 6th Grade HW

   Please answer these questions and hand them in on a separate sheet of paper.  

1)  The article says that there is no "pacing" in cyclocross.  How is that different from running the Run for Fun?

2) Do they cancel cross races due to bad weather?  Explain your answer.

3) Where was the World Championship Race held in 2013?

4 ) Explain the Fight or Flight response that is talked about toward the end of the article.

Thank you and enjoy the article.

Mr. Goldstein

1st Real HW for 6th Grade- due Tuesday 9/30

6th Grade students,
  Here is the link for the article for your first homework assignment.

This article is about cyclocross bike racing.  I have been doing this type of racing for the past two years and I will be starting again near the end of this month.  It is a lot of fun!

I will post questions on the blog later today.  The homework is due Tuesday, Sept 30.  No late assignments allowed.

-Mr. Goldstein

Friday, September 5, 2014

Welcome Back & Signed Forms

5th and 6th Grade Students,
    Welcome back for another great school year.  Please remember PE uniform essentials for class as well as the signed PE form to receive a perfect score on your first homework assignment.

Mr. Goldstein

Monday, June 9, 2014

Extra Credit assignment for grades 5-6

   This assignment is for anyone interested in extra credit.  It is due on Friday, June 13th (no exceptions). 
Read the following article and answer the questions below.

1) How would running the Dipsea compare with your past experience of competing in the Run for Fun?  How is the course different?
2) What is your opinion of the head start system in the Dipsea?
3) Which state is the race held in?
4) What is the significance of winning a black shirt?  Who gets one?
5) How is it possible you can run the race in the fastest time, but not win?

Thank you,
Mr. Goldstein

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

5 Rules of Baseball-- Quiz 1st week of June

   Here are the 5 Rules we have been studying for baseball.  Please brush up on them, we will be having a baseball quiz next week (first week of June).

1.  A foul ball is a strike, but not strike 3.
2. Go half-way on a fly ball and run back if it is caught.
3. A runner is forced to run on a ground ball when there are runners on all bases behind them.  If not, the runner has a choice.
4. If a runner is forced to run, just step on the base to get them out.  If they go by choice, just tag them.
5. Always just step on 1st base to get the out (always a force at 1st base).

Ask me if you have any questions,
Mr. Goldstein

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Homework addition

5th and 6th Grade Students,
  I forgot to add on the blog before that the following four athletes are not able to be used for the homework due on 5/29.
Lebron James
Kevin Durant
Derek Jeter
Michael Jordan

6th Graders- Do not forget about the presentation that should last about 2 minutes.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

5th and 6th Grade Homework Due May 29th

5th and 6th Grade Students,
   Your 2nd assignment for the 3rd quarter is as follows...

1) Pick an athlete to research.
2) Why did you decide to research this athlete?
3) What are 2 interesting facts I should know about his/her sports career?
4) What are 2 interesting facts about their personal life outside of his/her sports career?
5) Is this person someone young people should look up to as a role model?  Why/Why not?

6th graders only- Students will have two minutes to share about their athlete in class and this will go toward your grade.

This assignment is due May 29th.

Thank you,
Mr. Goldstein

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Friday, April 25, 2014

5th and 6th Grade Homework due Tuesday

   I have changed the due date of the homework to Tuesday, April 29th to give you more time to complete it.  The assignment is listed in the post below.

Thank you.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

5th and 6th Grade Homework due Friday, April 25th

5th and 6th Graders,
   I am posting an article for the first PE homework of the 4th quarter.  Read this interesting article about high school mountain biking teams and answer the question below.  Remember to write in all complete sentences and hand it in on or by Friday, April 25th.

Article to read!
Pictures of the trails they ride!

1- In which state is the Drake high school team located?
2- What is unique about how these riders practice?
3- Why would the writer want to "hurl" just thinking about riding up Repack?
4- Which team is the defending state champions?
5- Would you want to participate on the mountain bike team if we had one at School 7?  Why or why not?

I look forward to reading your responses!
Mr. Goldstein

Friday, April 11, 2014

6-3 Health Assignment

6-3 Students,
   Here is the article needed for this assignment.

Click the link for the article.

Answer the following questions in complete sentences to receive credit...
1) What is the difference between vigorous and moderate physical activity?  Which is tougher to do?
2) What is the most important stat regarding the Washington State Youth Survey?  Why do you think it is the most important statistic?
3) What are 3 important reasons to be physically active as a teen?
4) Do you meet the right level of physical activity?  If not what are some things you can do to get there?

Monday, April 7, 2014

Review For Drugs Test 6th Grade

6th Grade Students,
   By studying the following questions, you will be set yourself up nicely for the upcoming health test.

1- What can happen when marijuana is taken in large amounts?
2- Which type of plant does marijuana come from?
3- What is a rolled marijuana cirgarette called?
4- How does smoking marijuana affect one's ability to concentrate?
5- What are some physical signs of smoking marijuana?
6- Marijauna and cigarettes have a similar effect on which organ of the body?
7- Which type of plant does heroin come from?
8- What color is heroin in its most potent form?
9- What is a gateway drug?
10- What are some ways heroin is used?
11- What is an overdose?

Possible essay questions- should marijuana be legal?
What do painkillers have to do with heroin?

Good luck!

Mr. Goldstein

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

6th Grade Health Project

6th Grade Students,
   Listed below is your health project.  Rememeber, your project grade counts for 25% of your total grade.  It would be a wise decision to spend time researching your answers and working on your poster.

For 6-1 and 6-3 this project is due on C Day.
6-2- stay posted for this information in your class.

Use the internet to research and hand in these answers typed or on a clean sheet of paper.

1)  What is being done in order to win the fight against heroin?

2)  How much does rehab cost? What are there different types?

The 2nd phase of this project is a creative poster...
This poster should show the dangers of: the drug, consequences of use, and effects on society in a creative way. 

6th Grade Project Rubric

Hello 6th Grade Students,

                This is Mr. J again posting another assignment on Mr. Goldstein’s blog. For this assignment you will have a rubric to follow, the purpose for the rubric is to be your guide in order to receive maximum credit. The rubric will be broken up into four(4) categories and within those categories you will see a point system. We will let you know when this assignment is due in class because each class has a different class schedule.
Lastly, I want you to think about the quote I included into the power point “be yourself everyone else is taken.” How can you relate this quote to peer-pressure? Do not hand this part in as an assignment.
1.        Presentation
25- This assignment is professionally done and information is clear.
20- This assignment looks presentable, but could show more professionalism.
15- This assignment should be redone: it is not presentable and information is unclear 

2.      Content
25- Content is completely accurate.
20- Content is somewhat accurate.
15- Little or no research was done

3.       Creativity
25- The project shows an incredible amount of effort and creativity.
20- Your project shows some effort and creativity.
15- Your project shows little effort and creativity.

4.       Grammar
25- There are less than two spelling or grammatical errors
20- There are three to five spelling or grammatical errors
15- There are more than six spelling errors

Friday, March 21, 2014

5th Grade Homework

Due Date (Wednesday) 4-2-14

   Hello Students,

        This is Mr. J posting your first homework assignment. By following these simple instructions you will have no problem getting an “A” for this assignment.

1) Copy and paste the link below to your address bar.

2) Once the website loads up please: explore, listen to the music, and click on the links/videos.

3) After you are done exploring you are going to click “FITNESS AT HOME.”
-4) Are you up for the challenge?   
Once you click “FITNESS AT HOME” Please read the requirements to receive credit for this assignment. After you are done reading the requirements for the assignment, I want you to click on “Youtube fitness at home videos” these videos will give you verbal and visual instruction on how to perform an exercise.  
Please hand this in on a sheet of paper along with a picture:
     1) How did you feel in the beginning?
     2) How did you feel in the middle and at the end?
     3) Is it better to eat simple or complex carbs when it comes to exercising?
     4) Why do you think having a balanced diet is important? Give 2 examples.
     5) Is it better to take protein before or after a workout? Explain why.

"When you feel like quitting, remember why you started."