School 7

School 7

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Glacier National Park

    The last couple of days were the best of the trip so far!  They were filled with lots of climbing mountains, camping in the rain at the national park, and climbing even more in almost freezing weather.  We rode into the park through the mountains and it was a lot of hard work.  We did however get to descend 6 miles all the way into the park going almost 40 miles per hour the whole way.  Camping was very tough because a storm appeared out of nowhere and it got really cold and rainy.  I spent the whole night in my tent with friends because that was the only way to stay dry!
     The next morning no one felt like cycling because it was 45 degrees and drizzling.  I barely packed any cold weather clothes.  I put my feet in Zip Loc bags and had socks for my hands.  We had to climb to get to Logan Pass which was 18 miles away from the campsite and the elevation was 6,600 feet.  It was an incredible sight, I do not have pictures of this day because I did not want to take my camera in the pouring rain.  Then came the wild part.  We had to ride down the mountain when it was 35 degrees at the top.  I started to descend and my hands were frozen instantly.  Luckily there was a construction stop where a park ranger had me warm up in her car and gave me winter gloves.  Without her I do not even think I would have been able to brake or steer the bike I was so numb.  After a 12 mile descent I was at the bottom and the temperature was in the 70's.  I cycled into Whitefish from there at a more relaxed pace.  What an amazing day!  3 more days left in Montana.

We finish August, 28th.

These are pictures from an old gymnasium we slept in a few days ago in Glasgow, Montana


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