School 7

School 7

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

5 Rules of Baseball-- Quiz 1st week of June

   Here are the 5 Rules we have been studying for baseball.  Please brush up on them, we will be having a baseball quiz next week (first week of June).

1.  A foul ball is a strike, but not strike 3.
2. Go half-way on a fly ball and run back if it is caught.
3. A runner is forced to run on a ground ball when there are runners on all bases behind them.  If not, the runner has a choice.
4. If a runner is forced to run, just step on the base to get them out.  If they go by choice, just tag them.
5. Always just step on 1st base to get the out (always a force at 1st base).

Ask me if you have any questions,
Mr. Goldstein

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Homework addition

5th and 6th Grade Students,
  I forgot to add on the blog before that the following four athletes are not able to be used for the homework due on 5/29.
Lebron James
Kevin Durant
Derek Jeter
Michael Jordan

6th Graders- Do not forget about the presentation that should last about 2 minutes.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

5th and 6th Grade Homework Due May 29th

5th and 6th Grade Students,
   Your 2nd assignment for the 3rd quarter is as follows...

1) Pick an athlete to research.
2) Why did you decide to research this athlete?
3) What are 2 interesting facts I should know about his/her sports career?
4) What are 2 interesting facts about their personal life outside of his/her sports career?
5) Is this person someone young people should look up to as a role model?  Why/Why not?

6th graders only- Students will have two minutes to share about their athlete in class and this will go toward your grade.

This assignment is due May 29th.

Thank you,
Mr. Goldstein