Hello 6th Grade Students,
This is Mr. J again posting another assignment on Mr. Goldstein’s blog. For this assignment you will have a rubric to follow, the purpose for the rubric is to be your guide in order to receive maximum credit. The rubric will be broken up into four(4) categories and within those categories you will see a point system. We will let you know when this assignment is due in class because each class has a different class schedule.
Lastly, I want you to think about the quote I included into the power point “be yourself everyone else is taken.” How can you relate this quote to peer-pressure? Do not hand this part in as an assignment.
1. Presentation
25- This assignment is professionally done and information is clear.
20- This assignment looks presentable, but could show more professionalism.
15- This assignment should be redone: it is not presentable and information is unclear
2. Content
25- Content is completely accurate.
20- Content is somewhat accurate.
15- Little or no research was done
3. Creativity
25- The project shows an incredible amount of effort and creativity.
20- Your project shows some effort and creativity.
15- Your project shows little effort and creativity.
4. Grammar
25- There are less than two spelling or grammatical errors
20- There are three to five spelling or grammatical errors
15- There are more than six spelling errors